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Add Items to Zotero

Zotero will automatically detect if you're looking at a library catalog, database, or web site.

  • Choosing a Zotero collection first will save the citation to that collection.
  • Click the icon in your address bar and Zotero will save the reference! It's that easy

Saving Items with your Browser

The Zotero Connector for your browser makes it easy to capture source information directly from a source's webpage. There are versions of the Zotero Connector for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera browsers, all available for download at

When it identifies a source on the page, the Zotero Connector will display a type-specific icon near the address bar in the browser. The icon displayed should match the source type.

There are many type-specific icons you might see. Among the most common are the folder icon, folder icon  which will display when Zotero recognizes multiple resources on the page (for example, on a list of search results in a database); the book icon, book icon which will display when viewing a book; and the article icon,  which will display when viewing most journal articles. There are also icons for magazine articles, newspaper articles, blog posts, videos, and conference papers, among others.

The Zotero Connector icon will display in different places in different browsers:

browser connectors

If your icon is the Save to Zotero (Web Page) icon,  web page or the Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata) icon embedded metadata zotero, Zotero will add information about the page you are looking at (not the specific article) to your library. This will also attach a snapshot of the page to the citation. Taking a snapshot saves a copy of the page to your computer. It includes the page's text and images, so if the page is removed later, or if you're offline, you'll still be able to view your copy.

Note: Do NOT use the page item to save anything other than a web page. Always use the icon in the browser's address bar if it exists.


Add Items by Identifier

Adding items by ISBN, DOI, or PMID:

If you have a book's ISBN, an online article's DOI or PMID number, just click the magic wand button: "Add item by identifier." Type in the book or article's number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.


Adding Items Manually

As a last resort, you can add the item manually. In Zotero, select the New Item icon add new item, then select the appropriate item type from the More menu. Note that the most recently-used item types appear at the top of the New Item menu.

If you already have a references list, try to convert it to a style that can be imported via Zotero.

Last Updated: Feb 1, 2024 9:50 PM