Welcome and Information
This guide will help you find resources for many of your Honors classes and beyond.
Under the Find Articles tab you will find links to databases that are especially useful for controversial or argumentative paper topics.
If you need help learning what a scholarly or peer-reviewed article is, or how to evaluate all types of information, click on those tabs for more information.
If you are new to SUNY Brockport, please feel free to explore the library virtually through the tour below.
Why use the library and the library web page?
Google and wikipedia are great places to start doing research and even for finding some types of information.
Learning to use the library and the resources available through its web pages will help you find more scholarly resources and save you time.
Many of these resources are not available to you FREE on the web, but are provided to you through the library, SUNY, the state of NY, or even your SUNY Brockport technology fee.
URL: https://library.brockport.edu/honors