How to Cite in APA Style
- APA Style & Grammar Guidelines This comprehensive resource from the APA covers all aspects of the 7th edition.
- Excelsior OWL (Online Writing Lab) This online writing lab contains many helpful videos and examples of references.
- Purdue OWL The OWL at Purdue is a comprehensive resource for APA.
- APA 7th Edition Frequently Used Page Guide This guide is designed to help students navigate The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Edition print format.
Citation Tools for APA
The following free sites will help you create a citation. Remember to check their output against the APA Style site or the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.
- Scribbr: APA Citation GeneratorScribbr provides a free APA citation generator on it's website. We do not endorse any of their services beyond this tool.
- ZoteroBibThis free citation generator is provided by Zotero but does not require any software. Many citation styles are available.
- NoodleTools ExpressJust need one citation? Use NoodleTools express.
- ZoteroZotero is a free citation management tool that will help you track your papers, cite sources properly, and create a reference list in ONE click.
Formatting Your Paper in APA
Please use the template to create your APA style paper. It will help you set up your cover page, abstract, headings, running head, and references list. Note: If your instructor has asked for special formatting (such as no author's note), the template may be changed to suit your needs.
- APA Student Paper (7th edition) Template for BrockportThis is for APA 7th edition. This APA template has been modified to fit the majority of assignments. You may need to delete or add to this template to meet your assignment's needs.
- APA Templates from APA StyleThis page contains examples and templates for multiple types of papers.
Legal Citations
APA defers to the Bluebook for legal citations. There is a section in the APA manual for legal citations, but if you would like to go directly to the source, please find it here:
- Citing Legal Materials in APA guide from California State University, StanislausA very clear and concise guide to citing legal materials using the APA-recommended Bluebook format.
- Bluebook Legal Citation Guide from Suffolk UniversityAn online guide to basic legal citations using the APA-recommended Bluebook citation format.
- Cornell University Introduction to Basic Legal CitationLegal citation help from the law school.
Not the Style you need?
If this isn't the style you need to use for your assignment, please visit the Citing Your Sources main page for more information about choosing the right one.