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Open Access at Brockport

SUNY UFS Resolution on Open Access


University Faculty Senate 176th Plenary

SUNY Canton

April 22, 2017

Resolution Calling for SUNY Open Access Repository Policies

Whereas the dissemination and sharing of the published results scholarly research is a cornerstone of communication among scholars; and

Whereas freely available access to scholarly publications is inhibited by pay-walls that are established by many scholarly journals; and

Whereas federal agencies that fund academic research require that research results and publications be made freely available to the public within a year of publication; and

Whereas the faculty of the University of California system, the University of Indiana, and many other academic institutions have established system- or campus-wide repository policies for scholarly publications; and

Whereas the faculty of Stony Brook University has adopted an Open Access Policy for SBU faculty; and

Whereas many other SUNY campuses have developed optional repositories for faculty to archive and make available their published scholarship; therefore

Be It Resolved that the University Faculty Senate urges individual campus faculty governing bodies to develop and adopt open-access policies and recommends that the Stony Brook policy be used as a guide; and

Be It Further Resolved that the UFS seeks to work with the Board of Trustees, Chancellor, Provost, and/or their designees to develop a SUNY-wide open access policy and repository that will complement but not supersede campus-based policies and repositories. Such a SUNY open access repository could serve as a central system that links individual campus repositories as well as serve those campuses without the resources to develop their own.


Resolution on Open Access Repositories Passed without Dissent

Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024 3:38 PM