Great resources for Graduate Students
- Article Look up by CitationUse this tool to search our databases for full text. If we don't have it you can easily request it through Interlibrary Loan.
- WorldCat BetaUse WorldCat to search for items available in libraries Worldwide. We can get many of the items for you through Interlibrary Loan.
- Researching & Writing a PaperEverything you need to know about the research process, including IRB information and how to write a literature review.
Tracking Down a Citation
When you'd like to track down a citation, complete the following steps:
Identify the Citation -- is it a book, book chapter or article?
If the item is a book, search WorldCat
If the item is an article, use Article Look up by Citation
Before Giving Up
If you're frustrated and thinking about giving up your search for a book, search the following places:
- Google Books - you might find a preview of the book or more information.
- - you might find a few pages that will help you decide if the book is worth locating.
- - find out which library has it.
If you know the book exists in another area/SUNY library, you can make the decision to go there (with the RRLC Access Card or your Brockport ID) or request the item through Interlibrary Loan.
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 2:07 PM