Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Resources
Where you search depends on your topic. Here are some general databases that will get you started:
- Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
A full text database containing nearly 5,700 journals, this scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study. Provided by SUNYConnect.
Market Analysis
"In general, the market analysis section should include information about the industry, your target market, your competition, and how you intend to make a place for your own product and service" (Gregory, 2022, para. 2). Drake's business databases have this information pre-packaged for most industries, but you might need to get creative when searching.
- Business Insights This link opens in a new windowClick on Browse (lightbulb icon) and then Industries to navigate to a specific industry.
You can also find what you need by searching google with the keyword for your industry plus "market analysis." So, if you were looking up market analysis of the toilet industry, you might search:
This would give you a list of results about the toilet market! Remember, like when you had to find statistics that the company/author putting out the analysis is important to note and scrutinize!
Research & Instruction Librarian