Order of Merit List will use the MAT and CLA+ for Cadet career placement
While the GPA is currently the single most important factor for Cadet placement on the Order of Merit List, other cognitive tests such as the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+), and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will be used as part of a pilot program at Cadet Command.
About the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+)
CLA+ is a 90-minute standardized exit exam that measures graduating college students' critical-thinking and written-communication skills, as opposed to most assessments that measure content-specific knowledge.
The skills CLA+ tests for include analysis and problem solving, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical reading and evaluation, and critiquing an argument.
The CLA+ can provide specific and accurate data to potential employers regarding an applicant’s real-world skills, which are more indicative of workplace readiness.
(from the Council for Aid to Education (CAE) Website)
Official Website and Online Resources
- CLA+ Practice Performance Task (PDF)This practice Performance Task will familiarize you with what is expected in a high-quality response. It contains sample responses demonstrating the critical-thinking and written-communication skills measured by CLA+.
- Student Guide to the CLA+ (PDF)Describes what the CLA+ is, why it is important, and provides an example Performance Task along with a series of selected-response questions.
Above video, Some Colleges Requiring Exit Exams, from:
KARE-TV (NBC Affiliate – Twin Cities) (2013) – Boua Xiong
URL: https://library.brockport.edu/msc