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EDI 407 Library Activity

EDI 407 Library Activity


For today’s activity, you are going to be searching for picture books that work as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Search to find a picture book that fits one of these categories (it must be newly published, within the last ten years):
    1. Respectful representation of disability (see Ashton et al.'s rubric)
    2. Diverse family constellation (use Shema's checklist)
    3. Anything that would have been a mirror text for you as a child.
  2. Spend time browsing the JUV room shelves to critique our current collection
  3. Fill out our form to suggest the addition or removal of what you find.


Part One - Finding a Picture Book

Start with the book lists on the Diverse Books for Empathy page. Browse the lists and see if anything fits. You can also use Google or Amazon to search for picture books that might work.

Then, search for the item using the search box below to use WorldCat to search beyond Drake. You can locate the book in a local public library (and travel there to get the book) or use the Request via Primo button (under Access Options) to request a copy from another library. If we have the book, make note of the call number. If we don’t have the book, add it to the form (Part 3) and tell us why we should order it!

Part Two - Browse the JUV room

For this part, you will browse the JUV room and acquaint yourself with the picture books. If you found a book that we own in the first part of the activity, you can try to locate it on the shelf. If we don’t have that specific book, you can look to see if we have anything else by that author. If you didn’t find anything interesting, you can still browse the collection and see what you can find!

As you browse the shelves, pull a few books off and critique them. Are they a window or mirror? Should they be replaced by something different? Build your thoughts and prepare for Part 3.

Part Three - Fill Out the Form

Tell us whether we should add a book or replace a book with something new! See the form itself for directions.

Video Overview


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Logan Rath
119A Drake Memorial Library
call or text: 585-245-0045