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Evidence-Based Practice Tutorial

4. Search for Sources

Where to Search

The library subscribes to databases, online collections of journals and other media. You can use our databases to find the scholarly research articles you will need to do many of your research assignments. There are two main places to search:

  1. The library home page
  2. Subject specific databases like CINAHL and Pub Med <-- you can find these on the Nursing Research Guide

Search Using the Library Home Page

Watch Video: "Look Up Articles Using the Library's Home Page"

You can watch this video to learn how to use the library’s home page search to find the required articles for your paper.


Watch Video: "Search for Articles in CINAHL Complete"

You can watch this video to learn how to use the CINAHL Complete database to find articles.


Try It! Go Search

Now, take your PICO(T) worksheet from the previous step and try your searches out in each of the following places:

  1. The library home page
  2. CINAHL Complete
  3. PubMed

If you get stuck, reach out and ask for help from one of our librarians.

Places to Search:

Stop and Think

 Will you use the PICO(T) search strategy for future assignments? If you think you will, you can save a copy of the PICO(T) Search Strategy Table Worksheet to use in the future.


Let's continue your research journey—5. Be Persistent

Last Updated: May 28, 2024 11:56 AM