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Archaeology Research Guide

FOr the most part JSTOR contains refereed articles but not necessarily every one can be called that.

JSTOR search help

JSTOR is a unique database that searches the full-text of scholarly journals. It searches differently than other databases and Google, so try different search terms and limiters to find what you really need.  Most articles are refereed, but be careful, you might find book reviews or editorials, which do not "count" as a refereed article for your assignment.

Limit titles to Archaeology in JSTOR

An example of a search in JSTOR for evolution and human success, limited to Anthropology and Archaeology journals only.  Scroll all the way down to see the full example.

Search screen for JSTOR showing how to do an advanced search.

Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 2:04 PM

Example of a refereed article in JSTOR