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AI for Faculty

This guide will help faculty understand and integrate AI into their courses.

Using AI

Using AI

Note that all of these tools that are mentioned below are for individual use, SUNY Brockport currently recommends using Microsoft Copilot.


More AI Tools

The following activities integrate AI into the classroom in engaging and meaningful ways, encouraging students to interact with technology while deepening their understanding of course content.

  Activity Example
AI-Generated Historical Dialogues Use an AI tool to generate dialogues between historical figures relevant to your course. Have students analyze these conversations to gain a deeper understanding of historical events and perspectives. For a history class, prompt an AI tool to create a dialogue between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass discussing the Emancipation Proclamation. Students can then discuss the nuances and historical context of their conversation.
Creative Writing Prompt Ask an AI tool to generate creative writing prompts based on themes or genres being studied in class. Students can use these prompts to write short stories or poems. For a literature class, prompt an AI tool to create a prompt like "Write a short story set in a dystopian future where books are banned." Students write their stories and share them for peer review and discussion.
AI-Generated Case Studies Use an AI tool to create case studies or problem scenarios relevant to your course content. Have students work in groups to develop solutions or strategies based on these case studies. For a business class, prompt an AI tool to generate a case study about a company facing a PR crisis. Students must develop a crisis management plan and present it to the class.
Interactive Role-Playing Simulations Create role-playing simulations where an AI tool acts as a character in a scenario related to course content. Students interact with the AI to practice skills and apply theoretical knowledge. For a nursing class, prompt an AI tool to act as a patient presenting specific symptoms. Students ask questions and diagnose the patient's condition based on their interactions.
AI-Assisted Debates Have an AI tool generate arguments for and against a controversial topic in your course. Students can use these AI-generated points to prepare for and participate in debates. For a political science class, prompt an AI tool to provide arguments for and against the implementation of universal basic income. Students use these arguments to debate the topic in class.
Ethics in AI Discussions Use an AI tool to generate scenarios involving ethical dilemmas related to AI. Students discuss the scenarios, exploring the ethical implications and potential solutions. For an ethics class, prompt an AI tool to create a scenario where an AI system makes a critical medical decision without human intervention. Students debate the ethical considerations and propose guidelines for AI use in healthcare.
AI-Generated Concept Maps Have students input key concepts from a lesson into an AI tool that generates concept maps. Students then discuss how the AI organizes the information and compare it to their understanding. For a biology class, students input terms related to cell biology. They analyze the AI-generated concept map and discuss any new connections or insights.
Simulated Client Meetings Use an AI tool to simulate client meetings where the AI acts as a client with specific needs. Students must ask questions and gather information to create a project plan or proposal. For a marketing class, prompt an AI tool to act as a client needing a marketing strategy for a new product. Students conduct a simulated meeting to understand the client's requirements and develop a marketing plan.
AI-Created Visual Storytelling Have students describe a story or concept, and use an AI tool like DALL-E to generate visual representations. Students then discuss how the visuals enhance or alter their understanding of the narrative. For an art class, students describe scenes from a myth or legend, and DALL-E generates images. They analyze the visuals and explore how art can convey complex ideas.
AI-Based Reflective Journals Ask students to write reflective journal entries on their learning experiences, and use AI to provide feedback and suggestions for deeper reflection. For a psychology class, students write about their personal growth and understanding of psychological concepts. The AI tool provides feedback, prompting students to explore their thoughts further.


Read below to learn about a few examples of how AI tools can assist you in your professional and personal life.

Professional Examples:

Facilitate Interactive and Engaging Lessons AI can help create interactive simulations and virtual labs, providing hands-on learning experiences without the need for physical resources. These tools can make complex concepts more accessible and engaging for students, enhancing their understanding and retention of the material.
Improve Accessibility and Inclusivity AI-driven transcription and translation tools can make your lectures and materials more accessible to students with different learning needs and those who speak various languages. This ensures that all students have equal opportunities to participate and succeed in your course.
Manage Administrative Tasks AI can automate routine administrative tasks such as scheduling, sending reminders, and tracking student progress. This can significantly reduce your administrative burden, allowing you to dedicate more time to teaching and research.
Support Curriculum Alignment AI can analyze course syllabi, learning objectives, and assessment outcomes to ensure alignment with accreditation standards and institutional goals. This helps maintain consistency and quality across courses and programs.
Enhance Meeting Efficiency AI tools can schedule meetings based on availability, prepare agendas, and even summarize meeting notes and action items. This streamlines the meeting process and ensures effective follow-up on tasks and decisions.

Personal Examples:

Health & Fitness Use AI tools to develop a workout routine, track your physical activity and sleep, and work to maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve your fitness goals.
Travel Planning Use AI tools to predict the best times to book flights and suggest travel itineraries. 
Cooking & Meal Planning Use AI tools to get suggested recipes based on dietary preferences and available ingredients, create shopping lists, and provide cooking instructions.
Gardening Assistance AI tools can provide care instructions, watering schedules, and tips based on plant types and environmental conditions.


Last Updated: Oct 8, 2024 2:41 PM

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