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Drake Quest

A campus scavenger hunt based on campus knowledge and basic research skills.

Example Challenges

The challenges are designed to be a simple, fun distraction from daily campus life.  Some challenges may be done online, others require you to stop by Drake library and a few ask you to find locations on campus.  Two to three challenges will be posted daily. 

Below is a sample of last year's Drake Quest challenges.  

Locate an article from the following citation then upload a screenshot of the article's first page.  Kloss, Nash, C. O., Walsh, C. M., Culnan, E., Horsey, S., & Sexton-Radek, K. (2016). A “Sleep 101” Program for College Students Improves Sleep Hygiene Knowledge and Reduces Maladaptive Beliefs about Sleep. Behavioral Medicine (Washington, D.C.), 42(1), 48–56.

Find a favorite book on the Drake library shelves and take a photo with the book.  Upload your "shelfie" with a favorite book. 

Find the statue gifted to SUNY Brockport for hosting the 1979 Special Olympics.  The statue is "Joy and Happiness to All the Children of the World" by Zurab Tsereteli.  Take a team photo with the statue.  Extra points for wearing Brockport gear. 

Wednesday, November 2nd

Day 1

Today's Challenges are:

1) Go to the Drake Memorial Library website and locate four different ways you may contact a librarian. List all four for Points - 25

2) In celebration of the Day of the Dead, a team photo with a Drake library skeleton.  Ask at the front desk, they know you are coming. Points – 25 *Plus 1 – 5 creativity points 

3) Everyone is automatically entered in the Most Creative Team Name contest.  After a full library staff vote the winning name will be announced online.  Points - 10


Thursday, November 3rd

Day 2

Today's Challenges are:

  1. Find the listed article and upload screenshot of the opening page.  Here’s the article citation:

Rycenga, Jennifer. (2016). Fannie Barrier Williams: Crossing the Borders of Region and Race Wanda A.Hendricks. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2014. Journal of American Culture (Malden, Mass.), 39(3), 359–360.      Points – 25

  1. Recreations: recreate a favorite image.  Using a popular photo, painting, album cover, movie scene, sitcom opening or any well-known image and recreate the image with a touch of your own style.  Upload your recreation and reference the original image.  Points – 50 *Plus 1 – 5 creativity points


Friday, November 4th

Day 3

Today's Challenges are:

  1. Photo with the campus little library.  In front of Hartwell Hall is the bright yellow Alumni House.  Near the Alumni House parking lot is the Friends of Drake Library Little Library.  Take a photo then take or add a book to the free collection.  Points – 25 

  1. Ducky, Ducky, How many Duckys?  Stop by Drake library main desk to guess how many duckies are in the jar.  Points – 35 for participation/45 points for a correct answer

Saturday, November 5th

Day 4

Today's Challenges are:

  1. The Liberal Arts Building was recent renamed after a famous alumni, Fannie Barrier Williams.  Locate the Fannie Barrier Williams tribute placed on the walkway behind the Allen building.  (Start at Drake then head west through the double doors) Take a team photo with the engraved memorial.  Points – 25
  2. Capture a photo of diversity in Drake Memorial Library.  This challenge is open to your interpretation.  Points – 50 *Plus 1 – 5 creativity points

Sunday, November 6th

Day 5

Today's Challenges are:

  1. Locate and take a team photo with a library item(s).  The Juvenile Lit room located on the lower level.  This collection is designed to support future teachers.  Locate the musical instruments under call # JUV MU9900.  Upload a photo of the instrument(s) of your choice.  Points – 35 *Plus 1 – 5 creativity points 

  1. Drake library presents book displays to explore a topic or increase awareness of our collections.  For this challenge suggest a book display.  Topic covering casual reading or serious research are welcomed.   Points – 25

Monday, November 7th

Day 6

Today's Challenges are:

  1. Drake Memorial Library instructional videos.  Go to You Tube and locate the Drake Memorial Library video collections. Grab the URL of video with peer-reviewed as a topic. Points – 25

  1. Upload a photo of nature on campus; whatever captures your imagination.  Points – 35

  1. Upload a photo showing your Brockport spirt.  Points – 75  Team photo wearing Brockport gear plus 10 points.  Team photo with Ellsworth in the picture plus 25 points    Possible total 110 points

Tuesday, November 8th

Day 7

Today's Challenges are:

  1. Draw you best rubber ducky.  Give your ducky character, maybe even a name.  Creativity is more important than skill.   Upload drawing for Points – 35 *Plus 1 – 5 creativity points

  1. On the Drake library home page enter Tiktok. When you located an article about Tiktok, click on the ellipse to the right of the article title.  This will open a variety of options including citation.   Open the citation link and copy the APA citation. Submit the citation.  Points – 35

The last challenges are posted.  You have until 11:59pm Wednesday, November 9th to complete the challenges.  

You do not need to complete all the challenges to win.  The highest earned points will win.