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Education Research

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APA help

Need help with APA? Ask a librarian when you need citation help. 

Visit Citing Your Sources in APA [link opens in new tab] to find our recommended APA resources, including these favorites:

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Remember, if you have any questions, just ask. We librarians are here to help students find research articles, and complete your research assignments. It's literally our job.

How can we help you?

These are some of the ways we librarians can help you:

  1. We can help you make a research plan, and find articles. Ask us!
  2. Having trouble finding the right article? Ask us!

Need help right away?

Visit Ask a Librarian for research support. When we are open, there's almost always a librarian on duty to help you with research. (Check Drake Memorial Library hours.) You can:

  • chat live with the research librarian who’s on duty
  • call the library to talk to the research librarian who’s on duty: 585-395-2760 
  • Need help that can wait up to two days? email the library:

We librarians are looking forward to working with you!

Librarian Tip

 Working on a semester-long research assignment? Set up a research meeting with a librarian when you are just getting started with your assignment. We can call you on the phone, video chat, or meet in person to help you with your assignment.

Visit Ask a Librarian to request a research appointment, email, call, or live-chat. 


Last Updated: Dec 17, 2024 11:30 AM

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