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John Adams Unbound: Resources and websites

This guide contains links to information about the exhibit as well as other resources about Adams, his times, the American Revolution and life in colonial and post-colonial United States.

John Adams Said:

Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.

Find more John Adams Quotes at:

Books in Drake Memorial Library

To find materials in the library, go to the catalog and type in a couple of words that describe what you want--such as John Adams or Colonial Life. Our reference librarians are also available to help you; go to Ask a Librarian to discover all the ways you can get help!

Abigail Adams

Adams' Life and Times

The White House has a very helpful page on each President; click here for John Adams, our nation's second President.

Adams was also among the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

The Miller Center's site contains brief essays on his life, foreign affairs, legacy as well as his home life.

John and his wife, Abigail, were prolific letter writers. One website devoted to their correspondence was put together by the Massachusetts Historical Society.

American Revolution

A Google search will nets nearly 200 million results.  One to try is the History Channel's site. 

The National Park Service site contains information about historic sites related to the Revolution.

Colonial Life

Colonial Williamsburg is one of the premier resources, both in person and on-line, to learn what life was like in the late 1700's in the American colonies.

How Stuff Works also has a great deal of information on how the early settlers of the country lived and worked.

A good overview of life in the early 1800's can be found at The Lone Star College Kingwood Library site.

Infomration about typical foods,mealtimes and recipes can be found at The Food Timeline.

John Adams Digitized

To view some of the materials in the collection that have been digitized and made available on=line, please visit the John Adams Digital Archive.

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Pam O'Sullivan
Drake 113

Office phone: 585-395-5688
Subjects: History, literature, copyright