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Research & Write a Paper

A guide to help you through your research methods class or other semester-long research projects.

Human Participants

Institutional Review Board

If you are going to be doing any type of research that involves human participants, you will need to work with the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

"Human participants research" is defined as a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge, which involves the collection of data from or about living human beings (Federal regulations definition - 45 CFR 46.102).

  1. Complete the online training course before you may submit your proposal.
  2. Determine what category your research is.  It will fall under Category 1, 2, or 3.
  3. Download the appropriate form from the IRB website.
  4. Submit to the IRB.  Pay attention to deadlines, especially for Category 3 proposals.

See the IRB website for more information or follow the quicklinks on the left. 

Purpose Statement of the IRB

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of SUNY Brockport exists to:

  • Ensure that the safety of all human research participants is assured and that their protection from harm is guaranteed
  • Ensure and safeguard individuals' rights to ethical treatment in research, including the rights to privacy, confidentiality, and fully informed consent, as specified by the U.S. Office of Human Research Participation (OHRP)
  • Disseminate clear guidelines for formulation and implementation of ethical research projects and project planning, for research designed by faculty, students, and staff members
  • Educate their investigators, and all the campus community, in the above guidelines for ethical practice, and maintain a plan to carefully monitor their education in same; this will include a thorough grounding in the universal ethical principles upon which practices are based, including beneficence, justice, and respect for persons
  • Encourage the scientific process, and uphold highest standards of quality for appropriate methodology in empirical and qualitative research
  • Support the educational mission of the college to ensure student success and faculty integrity.
  • Work to educate and facilitate investigators' attainment of a level of excellence in all research pursuits including provision of recommendations, assistance, and mentoring where and when appropriate.
Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024 2:10 PM