OER Community
The following resources work to create communities in OER through listservs, discussion boards, ongoing projects, and more.
- SPARCThe Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) focuses on driving policy change, supporting member action, and cultivating communities that advance a vision of knowledge as a public good.
- Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER)CCCOER promotes the awareness and adoption of open educational policies, practices, and resources.
- OER DigestThe OER Digest is a monthly newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and reminders.
- Creative CommonsCC empowers individuals and communities around the world by equipping them with technical, legal, and policy solutions to enable sharing of knowledge and culture in the public interest.
- OE Global ConnectThe place for global open educators to connect and share.
Advocacy Efforts
- SPARCSPARC is a non-profit advocacy organization that supports systems for research and education that are open by default and equitable by design. We believe everyone should be able to access and contribute to the knowledge that shapes our world.
As a catalyst for action, our pragmatic agenda focuses on driving policy change, supporting member action, and cultivating communities that advance our vision of knowledge as a public good. From the local to the global level, SPARC works to address the ways in which our knowledge systems exclude people due to racism, colonialism, and other legacies of injustice. - Student PIRGs - Open Textbook AllianceThe Open Textbook Alliance is a nationwide project of the Student PIRGs uniting student leaders who are working to bring open textbooks to college campuses and protect students in the textbook market.
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2024 10:54 AM
URL: https://library.brockport.edu/OER
URL: https://library.brockport.edu/OER