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Graphic Medicine

Welcome! You are viewing Drake library’s best resource for graphic medicine.

What is Graphic Medicine?

‘The intersection between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare’. - Dr Ian Williams, Comics artist and physician, Founder of

Self drawing of Dr. Ian Williams  Self drawing of Dr. Ian Williams

CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal definition of graphic medicine

Graphic medicine explores the emotional and moral dimensions of experience. Scientific medicine determines which facts, disease concepts or medical treatments are right or wrong. Graphic medicine, on the other hand, shows how patients and caregivers are complex and human. Inside these narratives, the reader is given the opportunity to reflect on how personal identity, power and authority, subjectivity, politics, culture and society affect the practice of medicine.

Nickerson, S. M. (2018). Seeking graphic medicine narratives. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 190(12), E368–E369.

Learn more about Graphic Medicine

Why Add Graphics to Medicine?

Peer Reviewed Articles

Researching Graphic Medicine