The Mission of the Public Administration Program (MPA) is to prepare future community leaders and managers in State and Municipal Management, Health Care Management, Public Safety Management, Nonprofit Management, and Poverty Alleviation Efforts. The following goals support this mission:
- Department faculty members engage in research and public service to improve their capacity to support the mission of preparing students for future leadership and management.
- Our MPA program provides our diverse student body opportunities for professional networking prior to and after graduation.
- Through close student faculty interaction:
- Our MPA students graduate with an understanding of core public service values including the public interest, accountability, efficiency, inclusiveness, responsiveness, and integrity.
- Our MPA students graduate with an understanding of how to:
- Lead and manage in diverse organizational contexts;
- Participate and contribute to public policy in the student’s chosen emphasis;
- Make informed decisions;
- Articulate the public service concerns associated with the distribution of scarce resources; and
- Communicate productively in settings characterized by diversity. It is nationally accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). As an institutional member of NASPAA, the program is committed to quality in public affairs education and ascribes to the NASPAA Member Code of Good Practice.