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- Use the Check Availability and see if your local public library has the item
- Use the Request via Primo button to have us get the item from another library through Interlibrary Loan.
- Note: In order to place a request, you will need to sign in to Primo (in the yellow bar) and then choose "Place Request"
There are museums for almost everything! Many museums have dedicated pages with resources for teachers!
- Susan B. Anthony MuseumA local museum right in Rochester!
- NY Historical Society Teaching Difficult TopicsResources for how to engage students in ways that allow them to take appropriate care of themselves while grappling with troubling subject matter
Diverse Populations
This list is not intended to privilege the voices of any one particular group. Rather it is meant to provide examples of sources that can be found through an internet search engine.
- Learning for Justice Classroom ResourcesFrom film kits and lesson plans to the building blocks of a customized Learning Plan—texts, student tasks and teaching strategies—our resources will help you bring relevance, rigor and social emotional learning into your classroom—all for FREE.
- GLSENGLSEN believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education.
- Indigenous Peoples (NEA)Resources to help you educate students honestly and accurately about Native history and the people whose land we occupy.
- Jewish American Heritage Month (Library of Congress)Put the power of primary sources to work in the classroom. Browse ready-to-use lesson plans, student activities, collection guides and research aids.
Evaluating Resources
Primary Source Collections
Here are some collections of primary sources:
- Primary Source Sets | DPLAPrimary source collections exploring topics in history, literature, and culture developed by educators — complete with teaching guides for class use.
- DocsTeachThe online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives
- Library of Congress Teachers PageThe Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching.
- PBS Teaching with Primary SourcesTeaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Inquiry Kits are designed with teachers and students in mind. Funded by a grant from the Library of Congress, Maryland Humanities and Maryland Public Television developed the TPS Inquiry Kits and related Research Learning Modules to support K-12 educators and students.
Additional Resources
- Facing HistoryFind compelling classroom resources, learn new teaching methods, meet standards, and make a difference in the lives of your students.
- PBS Learning Media Social studiesPBS has many useful resources to help you lesson plan. Contains active lessons (grades 3-5), videos (pre-K through 12) and more!
- OER CommonsYou can search by grade level and topic. Try Social Sciences and lower or upper primary.
- Beyond the BubbleBeyond the Bubble unlocks the vast digital archive of the Library of Congress to create History Assessments of Thinking (HATs). Explore over 130 easy-to-use assessments that measure students' historical thinking rather than recall of facts.
- CNN 10The big stories of the day, explained in 10 minutes.
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2024 10:54 AM