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Book Reviews: Finding Reviews

where to find book reviews...

Getting started



Please note: to find book reviews it helps to know when the book was written. Most reviews come out in the year or two after a book is first published.

The publication date is on the copyright page, usually one or two pages into the book, after the title page. There will be a date or dates there. The earliest date is when it was first published, which is where to start looking for reviews. You could also check our catalog, or if it isn't a book from this library try WorldCat.

Try the "Reviews - Online" page first. The "Reviews - Print" refers to various print indexes etc. that can sometimes be essential in getting reviews of older books.

How many reviews are there? It depends, sometimes there are a number of reviews of a book, sometimes there may only be one or two. If you aren't sure you have checked all possible sources ask us for help.




Copyright page

The date of publication is at near the top, under the publisher information, where it says "copyright..."